In the business world, with each transaction, tons of operational data are generated. On a daily basis, decision makers sit on these data with untold stories and insights to be discovered. For instance, what is working well? And what calls for attention? Decision makers need the answers delivered to them timely across the departments, and presented to them effectively, better in real time with visual representations of the results.
In the course of a business process, a company produces data, collects its own data, and makes use of them. When used effectively, data offer insights into a company’s business and strategies, and ultimately improve the company’s operations. That’s what we call “business intelligence”. To generate business intelligence, decision makers make ad hoc requests from time to time when the need emerges. These requests are usually allocated to data analysts; some of them are repetitive, time-consuming work that really can be automated.
Therefore, ideally, there is a system that automates the repetitive queries. It grabs data from the databases, then processes the extracted data to generate business analytics, and incorporates the outputs in a decorated dashboard and report in the end. The system takes care of itself, and it never sleeps while the back-end databases keep updating themselves.
Figure 1. How a data analyst comes to help with the one-stop shop
That’s what a one-stop shop is, and what this post is about.
As shown in the bottom part of Figure 1, as opposed to the top part where the managers may easily lose their minds, a “data analyst” comes to help with the one-stop shop and a framework that integrates various kinds of requests made by the managers. The managers then will be able to see what they need immediately with a few points and clicks in an interactive environment.
In our story, we have a technology company, PineApple Inc. At one of their board meetings, the business managers are making budgets for the 2H FY (the second half of the fiscal year). In order to review the budget, costs and revenue of the past few months, the following questions start to pop up in the heads of the managers: How many orders have been placed in the last quarter? What are the order details? What is the revenue of the last month? What do our sales look like across the country? What will the estimated sales revenue be for the next 6 months? And many more questions like these.
To answer these questions, we need an environment where we can interact with the database and build data products. The two big parts that enable this one-stop shop are database connection, query and update (with RSQLite), and analytics and visualization (with Shiny).
In this post, we will build a prototype of this one-stop shop, which is a business intelligence dashboard.
In the sections below, we discuss how to:
In this one-stop shop model, there are two ends that need to be connected, back-end database and front-end dashboard. As the first step, we make database queries. We then use what we have extracted from the database to produce business analytics in an interactive Shiny app. The database (local or cloud) and the Shiny app are connected.
Figure 2. Workflow of creating the one-stop shop
Before diving into the components of our Shiny app, let’s take a look at the database side first.
There are two common categories of databases: relational databases and non-relational databases. Relational databases store data in rows and columns like in a spreadsheet. To write and retrieve data in relational databases, we use SQL, structured query language. Figure 3 shows what a relational database may look like.
Figure 3. Example of a relational database
The demo database we will be using is a relational database.
Non-relational databases handle unstructured data (e.g. text, image, video), and they do not require predefined schemas. They allow for dynamically storing and managing data, and are open to changing requirements in the applications connected to them. Figure 4 is an example of a non-relational database.
Figure 4. Example of a non-relational database
With R, we have a number of add-on packages that allow users to work with both relational and non-relational databases without installing external software. For instance, RMariaDB, RMySQL, RPostgreSQL, ROracle, RSQLite, bigrquery, sparklyr are packages for working with relational databases; RcppRedis, mongolite, Rcassandra, R4CouchDB are packages for working with non-relational databases.
A comprehensive list of packages related to accessibility of different databases can be found here.
In our case, we have chosen to use SQLite (and hence the R package RSQLite) over many other options. Why?
Because SQLite is a small and self-contained SQL database engine. It is arguably the most commonly used database engine in the world, built into many devices and bundled with countless applications.
To facilitate interactions between R and SQLite databases, we use the R package RSQLite. It is a powerful tool that embeds the SQLite database engine in R, and that leverages all of the database interaction functionalities also found in other packages like RMySQL and ROracle. Yet, RSQLite, at the same time, is the easiest back-end to start with because it has a complete DBMS (database management system). Other databases, however, use a client-server architecture that can be harder to set up. In such a client-server architecture, there is one database server which has all the data and runs all the queries, together with many database clients; one of those clients can be our R session.
An easy-to-read introduction to RSQLite can be found here.
With RSQLite, we will be using it to connect to and disconnect from a database, send queries, retrieve results, and update tables in the database.
Now we have the database end ready. What we need next is the other end, an interactive environment with user input, to be set up. Shiny can be of help in that it allows us to easily build interactive web applications with R without knowledge of web development such as CSS, JavaScript and PHP.
As an oversimplified overview, a Shiny app has 3 components, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Schematic illustration of how a Shiny web app works
We will show shortly below how different components of a Shiny application function as a whole.
Now we have both ends explained, it is important to spend a few more minutes on how to make database queries with SQL in a Shiny environment; this lays the foundation of what we will do in the remaining sections.
We will use a sample database that we call PineApple sales database to explain what we will be doing and to actually build things up later. It is a SQLite database created in SQLite. It has 5 tables - order items (order_items), order details (orders), products information (prods_i), customer information (custs), and store information (stores). Order information is generated randomly in SQLite by random sampling, while store and product information is partially based on Apple’s public data.
According to DBMS theories, each table has its own primary key variable, which is a unique identifier of each record in the table. Each table also has foreign keys to link to other tables. Figure 5, the ER diagram for the PineApple sales database, shows the fields in our sample database, the primary key and foreign keys of each table, and the relationships among the tables. The dashed lines indicate that two tables can be linked through a foreign key.
Figure 6. ER diagram for PineApple sales database
In general, at the core of creating our one-stop shop, there are three steps in the process to be found in each component of it: 1) compiling a database query with SQL, 2) issuing that query with RSQLite, and 3) embedding that query in Shiny apps.
First of all, we need to know how to compile a database query with SQL. Below is the structure of SQL queries we are going to make.
'SELECT a.ord_id, ord_dt, cust_id,
prod_type, prod_grp, qty,
store_name, city, state
FROM orders a
LEFT JOIN order_items b ON a.ord_id = b.ord_id
LEFT JOIN prods_i c ON b.prod_id = c.prod_id
LEFT JOIN stores d ON a.store_id = d.store_id
WHERE prod_type = "Macbook"
In the above code chunk, we run queries to extract the subset of data (SELECT) from a data table (FROM), then join this table with other tables (JOIN) with common identifiers (ON), where certain conditions are met (WHERE). Finally, we order our subset of data by certain columns (ORDER).
In this example, we are able to extract the subset of data that contains the information of order id, order date, customer id, product type etc. from the table orders, which is then joined with tables order items order_items, product information prods_i, and stores stores with common identifiers (foreign keys) ord_id, prod_id and store_id respectively. We only keep the records for the product type “Macbook” in this subset. The extracted data set is then ordered by ord_dt in descending order.
Next, in R, to issue the queries above, we call the function dbConnect()
to connect to a database we named db
. Note we should always start by loading the package DBI before we load RSQLite, which is DBI-compatible (Wickham, n.d.). We are going to use functions primarily defined in the package DBI.
db <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = "pineapple.db")
With the function dbGetQuery()
, using the SQL statement we compiled above, we can execute those queries on the connected database.
conn = db,
statement =
'SELECT a.ord_id, ord_dt, cust_id,
prod_type, prod_grp, qty,
store_name, city, state
FROM orders a
LEFT JOIN order_items b ON a.ord_id = b.ord_id
LEFT JOIN prods_i c ON b.prod_id = c.prod_id
LEFT JOIN stores d ON a.store_id = d.store_id
WHERE prod_type = "Macbook"
ORDER BY ord_dt DESC' )
The first several records in this subset are shown below.
## ord_id ord_dt cust_id prod_type prod_grp qty store_name
## 1 202009693 2020-01-31 13433 Macbook MacBook Pro 13 1 Aspen Grove
## 2 202009694 2020-01-31 12172 Macbook MacBook Pro 16 1 The Oaks
## 3 202009695 2020-01-31 13514 Macbook MacBook Pro 16 1 Glendale Galleria
## 4 202009701 2020-01-31 14034 Macbook MacBook Pro 13 1
## 5 202009705 2020-01-31 13038 Macbook MacBook Pro 16 1 Ridge Hill
## 6 202009706 2020-01-31 10278 Macbook MacBook Pro 16 1 Northbrook
## 7 202009711 2020-01-31 14526 Macbook MacBook Pro 13 4 Columbia
## 8 202009713 2020-01-31 14068 Macbook MacBook Pro 16 1 Walden Galleria
## 9 202009717 2020-01-31 11380 Macbook MacBook Pro 13 1 Leawood
## 10 202009721 2020-01-31 13561 Macbook MacBook Air 1 Annapolis
## city state
## 1 Littleton CO
## 2 Thousand Oaks CA
## 3 Glendale CA
## 4 <NA> <NA>
## 5 Yonkers NY
## 6 Northbrook IL
## 7 Columbia MD
## 8 Buffalo NY
## 9 Leawood KS
## 10 Annapolis MD
Finally, we will make things work in Shiny. On the user interface of Shiny, its front-end, we will need to be able to make database queries with the help of its interactive features (e.g. dropdown list, date range) and view the retrieved data immediately. User input will be translated to a SQL statement, and sent to the back-end database to fetch the data we need; on the front-end, using the extracted data, outputs will be displayed to the users, as requested.
Imagine we have a filter for users to pick a product type, which is a dropdown menu with a list of options. Whatever the user selects, that will be part of a query sent to the database (e.g. to select the product from a data table). The problem here is that we don’t know what the user will select; this is unlike the first and second steps, where we determined the product type to be “Macbook”.
What should we do? We can use a parameterised query with RSQLite. Instead of explicitly naming a product type (e.g. “Macbook”), we leave a question mark for prod_type (field name) in the WHERE clause, and we pass the input of product type to the params
argument with input$prod_type_id
(we will explain what input$
in Shiny does in the section Select Input). In this way, the selected product type from prod_type will be placed at where “?” is located.
conn = db,
statement =
'SELECT a.ord_id, ord_dt, cust_id,
prod_type, prod_grp, qty,
store_name, city, state
FROM orders a
LEFT JOIN order_items b on a.ord_id = b.ord_id
LEFT JOIN prods_i c on b.prod_id = c.prod_id
LEFT JOIN stores d on a.store_id = d.store_id
WHERE prod_type = ?
ORDER BY ord_dt DESC',
params = input$prod_type_id
That’s a glimpse of how things work conceptually. Below we will discuss how the one-stop shop model actually works with its technical details in every component of it.
In this section, we will first decompose the one-stop shop system to show how each Shiny component works. These components include database interactions (database connection and disconnection, making queries, and creating tables), UI layouts (navigation bar and well panel), UI inputs (select input, date range input and action button), UI outputs (plot, map, data table and pop-up message), some miscellaneous utilities, and server side rendering functions. In the end, we will put everything back together to make different parts work in sync as a whole.
Read more on Shiny functions here.
Before we start to build the app, it is recommended that we load all packages we will be using into the environment.
As noted above, we should always start by loading DBI before we load RSQLite.
For running Shiny, shinythemes provides themes for use with Shiny applications. shinyWidgets collects custom input controls and user interface components for Shiny. shinyalert creates popup messages (modals) in Shiny.
Regarding the various UI outputs (e.g. data table, bar plot, map), we need several more packages. DT is an interface to the DataTables library. ggplot2 and plotly create graphics; plotly creates interactive web-based graphs via the open source JavaScript graphing library plotly.js. maps and leaflet draw geographical maps; leaflet is an open-source JavaScript library for interactive maps.
Now, let’s call the function dbConnect()
to first implement the database connection. Here, we connect to our SQLite database named pineapple.db
in our working directory, and then name it db
db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), 'pineapple.db')
Following that we have also defined an object called prodtype
, which are distinct values of all of the product types from the table prods_i in the database, as shown below.
prodtype <- dbGetQuery(db, 'SELECT distinct prod_type from prods_i')
## prod_type
## 1 Macbook
## 2 iMac
## 3 Mac
## 4 iPad
## 5 iPhone
## 6 Apple Watch
## 7 Airpods
Note that prodtype
we defined is a data frame, which is a subset of the table prods_i. Later, in Shiny, we will be selecting a product type with prodtype$prod_type
from a dropdown list to generate data tables and plots. prod_type is the field name in the table prods_i storing product types.
## [1] "Macbook" "iMac" "Mac" "iPad" "iPhone"
## [6] "Apple Watch" "Airpods"
Common functionalities, such as loading libraries we need, connecting to a database, and creating distinct product types, are globally applicable to our Shiny app, which we put in a script we call global.R
The overall layout of our app is inspired by this dashboard.
Figure 7 below is a screenshot of the Overview page in our app, which shows the UI layout in blocks, including the navigation bar, well panels, sidebar panel and main panel. We will look into those blocks one by one in the following sections regarding how the front-end dashboard talks to the back-end database.
On this page, the well panels are housed in three columns, which are then included in a fluid row.
Figure 7. Screenshot of the Overview page
A row, defined by fluidRow()
, makes sure their elements appear on the same line. Columns, defined by column()
, set the grid width of a column. In this grid system, a page is divided into 12 units, and the width of a container on this page can be defined by the width of a column between 1 and 12. On the Overview page, as shown above, each column width is 4; that means a column will take 4 out of 12 units in the horizontal space of a page.
and column()
usually are wrapped in a fluid page defined by fluidPage()
. Fluid pages respond to the user’s browser width and scale the components on this page. A fluid page consists of rows, which then consists of columns, as we have explained above.
At the top of the Overview page, there are three panels of summary metrics reflecting the product type and date range a user chooses. To make the panels work, we need a select list that controls user input.
In the input panel, defined by inputPanel()
, the users will have a drop-down menu with a list of product types to choose from, which we define by selectInput()
In this select list input control, inputId
assigns an ID to the user input, which we have set to be prod_type_id
. In our case, user input is simply which product type a user selects. Whichever product type a user selects will be known to the server through the input
argument in the server function. Note that the IDs should be unique across the entire app.
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel('Demo for Select Input'),
inputId = 'prod_type_id',
label = 'Product Type:',
choices = prodtype$prod_type,
selected = 'Macbook'
server <- function(input, output, session)
attaches a label to the select input bar displayed on the front-end. choices
lists the values of product types to select from, which we have defined earlier by prodtype$prod_type
Apart from that, we can also assign a default product type in the selected
argument. Therefore, once the app is launched, Macbook
, our default product type, will be selected. Note that the selected
value has to be included in choices
Date range functions in the way quite similar to select input.
Using dateRangeInput()
, we can create a date range input bar. Again, the inputId
saves the user input of date range. start
and end
arguments determine the starting and ending dates within the available date range.
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel('Demo for Date Range'),
inputId = "date_range_id",
label = "Date Range:",
start = "2020-01-01",
end = "2020-01-31"
server <- function(input, output, session)
In our Shiny app, on the navigation bar, when the Overview tab is active, we arrive at a page that offers an overview of order details for the product type we pick and date range we set.
On this page, the top section consists of three well panels. The panels show the number of orders, sales revenues and average order value respectively based on the chosen product type and date range. The users are able to select the product type and date range from the select list input control and the date input bar, which then are sent to the database as queries to extract the data we need.
In the demo dashboard below, the well panels respond to the product type a user selects.
A well panel is created with the function wellPanel()
. It is equivalent to BootStrap’s well
CSS class, which is a bordered box with some padding around its content. The output IDs for each well panel, set by outputId()
, tell the server in which well panel the text output should be rendered. Is it for the number of orders, sales revenue, or average order value?
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel('Demo for Well Panel'),
align = 'center',
### well panel 1
width = 4,
style = 'background-color: #696969; color: #ffffff;',
h4('Number of Orders'),
outputId = 'nOrders'
### well panel 2
width = 4,
style = 'background-color: #696969; color: #ffffff; bold = TRUE',
h4('Sales Revenues'),
outputId = 'totSales'
### well panel 3
width = 4,
style = 'background-color: #696969; color: #ffffff;',
h4('Average Order Value (AOV)'),
outputId = 'aov'
# style = 'background-color: #ffa700; color: #ffffff;',
inputId = 'prod_type',
label = 'Product Type:',
choices = prodtype$prod_type,
selected = 'Macbook'),
On the server side, first of all, we use output$
to refer back to the outputId
we set earlier, which determines how each output will be rendered in the right well panel.
To demonstrate the summary metrics in the well panels, we use the function renderText()
. The results will be pasted into an h4 level header by paste0()
, which are then displayed via htmlOutput()
that we set on the UI side.
server <- function(input, output, session){
# render the summary metrics shown at the top
output$nOrders <- renderText(
conn = db,
statement =
'SELECT sum(qty)
FROM order_items a
(SELECT * FROM prods_i WHERE prod_type = ?) b
ON a.prod_id = b.prod_id',
params = input$prod_type
output$totSales <- renderText(
conn = db,
statement =
'SELECT sum(price*qty)
FROM order_items a
(SELECT * from prods_i WHERE prod_type = ?) b
ON a.prod_id = b.prod_id',
params = input$prod_type
output$aov <- renderText(
conn = db,
statement =
'SELECT round(avg(qty*price),2)
FROM order_items a
(SELECT * from prods_i WHERE prod_type = ?) b
ON a.prod_id = b.prod_id',
params = input$prod_type
For the summary metrics to be rendered as accurately as we ask for, we need to fetch the right data from the database with SQL. For the embedded SQL query we have issued in the function dbGetquery()
, it essentially says “join the table order_items and the table prods_i, insert the selected product type to the WHERE clause, and sum up the quantity sold/total revenue to get the average sales per order of that product type”.
Here we have used a parameterised query, defined by params
, which we have explained in the last part of the section Database query in Shiny.
On the Overview page of our app, right below the three well panels, we have a data table that displays the transaction details based on the product type and date range we pick.
The UI side of a data table can be set up the way we have done for the select input and well panel, and we will not repeat it here. In the demo dashboard, the data table responds to the product type we choose.
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel('Demo for Data Table'),
inputId = 'prod_type_id',
label = 'Product Type:',
choices = prodtype$prod_type,
selected = 'Macbook'
outputId = 'transactions'
On the server side, quite similar to rendering texts in well panels, we use renderTable()
to display the outputs in a data table.
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$transactions <- renderDataTable(
data <- dbGetQuery(
conn = db,
statement =
'SELECT a.ord_id,
FROM orders a
LEFT JOIN order_items b on a.ord_id = b.ord_id
LEFT JOIN prods_i c on b.prod_id = c.prod_id
LEFT JOIN stores d on a.store_id = d.store_id
WHERE prod_type = ?
ORDER BY ord_dt DESC',
params = input$prod_type
In order for everything we need in this data table to be rendered, which includes all the details of each transaction, we need to merge all the tables in the database and fetch all the relevant fields. In the SQL query we issue, we join 4 tables - orders, order items, product information, and stores - through common fields between tables, and then select order id, order date, customer id, product type, product group, quantity, store name, city and state from the merged table. After that, the selected product type is passed to the WHERE clause via a parameterised query. Lastly, the data table is sorted by order date from the earliest to the latest.
The third section on the Overview page of our Shiny app is a bar plot that shows the daily sales revenue of a chosen product type for the chosen date range.
The UI layout is a combination of select input and date range input.
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel('Demo for Plot'),
inputId = 'prod_type',
label = 'Product Type:',
choices = prodtype$prod_type,
selected = 'Macbook'
inputId = "date_range",
label = "Date Range:",
start = "2020-01-01",
end = "2020-01-31"
outputId = 'playChrt'
On the server side, this time we need to render a plot.
Because we have two filters here, a select input bar and a date range, we have three input values: prod_type
, date_range[1]
(starting date), and date_range[2]
(end date). We insert these three input values into the corresponding location in WHERE clause in the SQL query with the help of a parameterised query. The three input values are gathered into a list, and then assigned to the question mark in the query in order. This time, the parameterised query can be slightly more complicated than what we have before.
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$playChrt <- renderPlot(
d <- dbGetQuery(
conn = db,
statement =
'SELECT ord_dt as day,
sum(qty) as qty,
sum(price*qty) as sales
FROM orders a
LEFT JOIN order_items b on a.ord_id = b.ord_id
LEFT JOIN prods_i c on b.prod_id = c.prod_id
WHERE prod_type = ? and (day BETWEEN ? AND ?)
params = list(input$prod_type,
format(input$date_range[1], format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
format(input$date_range[2], format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
ggplot(data = d, aes(x = as.Date(day), y = sales)) +
geom_col(size = 1) +
labs(x = 'Day', y = 'Sales Revenues ($)') +
theme_minimal(base_size = 16) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, hjust = 1)) +
theme(legend.position = 'none')
When the data is ready, we call the function ggplot()
to generate a bar chart. data
is the portion of data we have extracted from our datatable, named d
. We can then customize the labels, the theme, and the legend position.
When we move to the Store Info page in the app, there is a geographic map that shows the distribution of the total sale revenues for a given product type across the states.
The UI layout for a map should be quite familiar to us by now, except that we use plotlyOutput()
to create the map but not plotOutput()
. Why? Because here we are not using ggplot2 to make a graph but plotly.
For the remaining code, width = 100%
keeps the plot width in line with the main panel width, while the height is set to be 600px.
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel('Demo for Map'),
inputId = 'prod_type_id',
label = 'Product Type:',
choices = prodtype$prod_type,
selected = 'Macbook'
outputId = 'stateMap', width='100%', height='600px' )
On the server side, most things are just routine.
What the SQL query does is that we aggregate sales of the selected product type by state, which becomes the subset of data we use to make the map, named d2
. Note that in this step online shop sales are excluded by claiming store_id != “00000”
in the WHERE clause, because online shops do not belong to any state.
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$stateMap <- renderPlotly(
d2 <- dbGetQuery(
conn = db,
statement =
'SELECT state,
sum(price*qty) as sales
FROM orders a
LEFT JOIN order_items b ON a.ord_id = b.ord_id
LEFT JOIN prods_i c ON b.prod_id = c.prod_id
LEFT JOIN stores d ON a.store_id = d.store_id
WHERE prod_type = ?
AND a.store_id != "00000"
params = input$prod_type
plot_geo(d2, locationmode = 'USA-states',sizes = c(1, 1000)) %>%
add_trace(z = ~sales, locations = ~state,
color = ~sales, colors = 'Purples') %>%
colorbar(title = "$ USD") %>%
layout(title = 'Total Sales Revenues ($): State-Level',
geo = list(
scope = 'usa',
projection = list(type = 'albers usa'),
showlakes = TRUE,
lakecolor = toRGB('white')
We call the function plot_geo()
from plotly to generate the map using the subset of data d2
we have extracted from our database. We fill each state with shades of purple, based on different levels of sales revenues.
What is nice about plotly is that it is highly interactive. On this map, when the mouse hovers over each state, we are able to view the sales numbers in a tooltip. This feature is enabled with the argument z
On the Sales Prediction page of our app, we have a “prediction plot” that predicts the average sales revenues of a chosen product type for the next seven days.
The workflow of making the prediction plot is similar to that of producing the bar chart discussed in the section Plot, except that we add a geom_forecast()
layer. It generates forecasts using the most recent observation as the forecast for the next observation, and adds them to the plot. In geom_forecast()
, the argument h = 7
means that the number of periods for forecasting is 7 days, given our aggregation unit is day.
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel('Demo for Prediction'),
inputId = 'prod_type',
label = 'Product Type:',
choices = prodtype$prod_type,
selected = 'Macbook'
outputId = 'prediction', width='100%', height='500px' )
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$prediction <- renderPlot(
dy <- dbGetQuery(
conn = db,
statement =
'SELECT ord_dt as day,
sum(price*qty) as sales
from orders a
left join order_items b on a.ord_id = b.ord_id
left join prods_i c on b.prod_id = c.prod_id
WHERE prod_type = ?
params = input$prod_type
ggplot(dy, aes(x = as.Date(day), y = sales, group = 1)) +
geom_line(color='red',size = 1) +
labs(x = 'Day', y = 'Sales') +
theme_minimal(base_size = 16) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, hjust = 1)) +
theme(legend.position = 'none')+
Finally, with RSQLite and Shiny, we can update our database from the user interface of the app. On the page of Store Info, for instance, after we filter out the top 10 stores with the highest sales revenues, we may save this data table to the database by clicking the Save the Table button.
In our demo below, it’s the Save button. If we hit the button, we will see a pop-up message saying “Successfully saved to the database”.
Before we create new tables, we need to check whether the table already exists in the database and drop it if it does by DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
. This is to prevent a user from wrongly clicking the button twice and then creating a table with duplicate names, which will cause error in the database saying that the table already exists.
After that, we create a table by CREATE TABLE …. AS
, which has the top 10 stores with the highest sales revenues in the database. Note that we have also inserted the product name into the name of the data table for easy recognition.
Finally, clicking the button will trigger a pop-up message prompting users that the table has been successfully saved to the database.
server <- function(input, output, session){
output$store <- renderDataTable(
data <- dbGetQuery(
conn = db,
statement =
'SELECT city, d.store_name,
sum(price*qty) as sales
FROM orders a
left join order_items b on a.ord_id = b.ord_id
left join prods_i c on b.prod_id = c.prod_id
left join stores d on a.store_id = d.store_id
WHERE prod_type = ? and a.store_id != "00000"
LIMIT 10',
params = input$prod_type
observeEvent(input$save, {
conn = db,
statement = paste0(
'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS top10_store_',input$prod_type)
observeEvent(input$save, {
conn = db,
statement = paste0(
'CREATE TABLE top10_store_',input$prod_type,' AS
SELECT city, d.store_name,
sum(price*qty) as sales
FROM orders a
left join order_items b on a.ord_id = b.ord_id
left join prods_i c on b.prod_id = c.prod_id
left join stores d on a.store_id = d.store_id
WHERE prod_type = ? and a.store_id != "00000"
LIMIT 10'),
params = input$prod_type
observeEvent(input$save, {
shinyalert(title = "OK!",
text = "Successfully saved to the database.",
type = "success")
When we exit the app, we will close the connection to the PineApple database. For that, onStop()
runs code after an application or session ends. dbDisconnect()
disconnects the connection.
shinyApp(ui, server)
In this post, we introduced a real-world business scenario where a one-stop-shop application bridges the gaps along the operations line from the back-end to the business side. From the back-end side, we touched upon features of a relational database, and explained why we choose RSQLite to work with the database in our case. After that, we illustrated the mechanisms of interacting with a SQLite database in Shiny apps. Finally, we showed a one-stop shop that handles database query, analytics, visualizations, prediction, and database update, and walked through each step of developing every piece of it.
Hope this post can offer some inspiration to our readers.
Check RStudio Gallery for more Shiny app showcases.
Wickham, H. (n.d.). RSQLite. Retrieved from
Figure 1. How a data analyst comes to help with the one-stop shop. Created by Yujie Xiang, 2020, using icon sources from iSlide.
Figure 2. Workflow of creating the one-stop shop. Created by Yujie Xiang, 2020, using icons from iSlide and image from Build Your First Shiny Web App in R, by Chanin Nantasenamat, 2020,
Figure 3. Example of a relational database. From Relational Database, by OmniSci,
Figure 4. Example of a non-relational database. From Relational Databases vs. NoSQL Document Databases, by Leonard Lobel, 2015,
Figure 5. Schematic illustration of how a Shiny web app works. From Build Your First Shiny Web App in R, by Chanin Nantasenamat, 2020, Copyright 2020 by Chanin Nantasenamat.
Figure 6. ER diagram for PineApple sales database. Created by Yujie Xiang, 2020, using DBeaver.
Figure 7. Screenshot of the Overview page. Created by Yujie Xiang, 2020.